Microsoft, unlike Apple, allows other tablet manufacturers to put the Windows operating system on their tablets. But that can make it difficult for you to figure out which Windows tablet you have. This is particularly a problem if you have an AAC system that includes the tablet, communications software, and a case. Often the AAC system provider will obtain their tablets from another company but will put their own name on the tablet. These same companies may be unwilling to tell you much about the tablet they use and may even change tablets without changing the model number of their AAC system.
If you can get access to the Windows desktop you can ask Windows to tell you which tablet you have. Follow these steps:
- Type “msinfo32” into the search box in your taskbar (or, possibly, in your Start menu).
- A window like this will appear:
(Note, you might see the words “System Information” listed instead.)
- Click on msinfo32.exe or System Information. You’ll now see a window like this:
- The key items are the “System Manufacturer” and the “System Model”.
- Look for your System Model in the “type of tablet” pull-down list in keyguard.scad.
- If you see your tablet model listed, select it and continue designing your keyguard.
- If you don’t see your tablet model listed, contact us and we’ll help you extend keyguard.scad to support your tablet.