Covering, Merging, and Counting Cells

You’ll use similar approaches to covering, merging, and adding ridges around cell openings.  The related options are located in the Grid Special Options section:


Using these options, you can cover specific openings:

and you can merge two or more cells together:

To cover, merge, and add ridges to certain cells you provide the number associated with that cell.  Cells are numbered from left to right starting with the bottom row as shown in this picture:

To cover cells 1 and 4, put the text “[1,4]” (without the quotes but including the brackets) in the “cover these cells” box.  You can cover as many cells as you want.  You can cover rectangular cells and circular cells.

To merge cells you provide the number of the cell to merge to the cell on its right.  So to merge cells 5 and 6, you put the text “[5]” (without the quotes but including the brackets) in the “merge cells starting at” box.  To merge cells 5, 6, and 7, you put the text “[5, 6]” in that box.  You can only merge cells within a row so you can’t, for example, merge cells 2 and 6 in the picture above.  And if you put a number for the right hand cells – 4, 8, or 12 – in the box it won’t have any effect because there’s no cell to their right to merge with.

If you put “[1, 4]” in the “cover these cells” box and “[10]” in the “merge cells starting with” box, it will produce a grid of rectangles that looks like this: