Using the Voice It designer program

It’s likely that the enclosure STL files that you need for your Voice It can be found, ready-made for you, in the “enclosure STLs” folder.  One instance where that won’t be the case is if you will be using the Adafruit 2011 battery.  So let’s look at designing your own enclosure.

You’ll first need to install the free OpenSCAD program.  More on that here.

Now that you have OpenSCAD installed, go to the Voice It folder and launch Voice It.scad.

In the upper right corner of the window, you’ll see a pull-down list that currently shows “designer default values”.  Expand the list and you’ll see something like this:

OpenSCAD calls these things “presets”.  Find the entry that most closely matches the features you’ve chosen for your Voice It.

Now, expand the “Options” item in the upper right of the window:

You’ll see a pull-down list called “battery type” that currently has “Adafruit 328” selected.  Click on the down arrow and select the battery type you’ll be using – in this scenario, the Adafruit 2011.

Now, ensure that “enclosure bottom” is selected as the “part to print” option:

Finally, render your design by choosing “Design” > “Render” from the OpenSCAD menu.  This step will take some time – probably a couple of minutes.  Lastly, choose “File” > “Export” > “Export as STL …” from the OpenSCAD menu and save your modified design.